Dairy Industry Overview
The dairy sector offers a variety of investment opportunities driven by innovation, sustainability, and growing consumer demand.
Here are the key areas to consider:
Sustainable Dairy Practices: Investments in technologies that focus on energy efficiency, sustainable water usage and conservation, and waste reduction are vital. Alternative energy sources emerging include Solar power, hydrogen energy and biogas systems to assist in reducing the environmental footprint of dairy operations and aligning with global sustainability practices and goals with the focus on farm profitability.
Technological Innovations: The sector is increasingly embracing change via research driven adoption of automation , robotics, and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. Smart milking systems, virtual fencing, AI-driven herd management, and real-time monitoring tools for animal health and productivity are creating avenues for investment to improve efficiencies in profitability and sustainability.
Value-Added Dairy Products: Ongoing research into benefits of various pastures including multispecies, drought resistance and soil variations throughout the region with aim of increasing home grown fodder production and consumption to improve sustainability, profitability and reduce emissions are attracting attention.
Health and Wellness Trends: There is untapped potential in milk protein fractions and pharmaceuticals (e.g., whey, casein, lactoferrin, colostrum, antibiotics, probiotics, etc), which can be developed into high-value nutritional products for the fitness and health markets.
Export Markets: Rising demand for dairy products, especially in developing countries, provides export opportunities. On farm growth and profitability leading to expanding manufacturing capabilities and tapping into regions with high consumption growth can yield strong returns.
Sustainable Packaging & Waste Management Solutions: As regulatory and consumer pressure for eco-friendly packaging increases, investments in biodegradable, reusable, or recyclable packaging for dairy products are becoming critical. Microbial use in food waste reduction and improve food production enhancements.
Animal Health and Feed Innovation: Ongoing research into benefits of multispecies pastures to increase milk production and seaweed additives to reduce emissions are attracting attention. These technologies not only improve sustainability but also enhance production efficiency.
Key Stats
Great South West Region Dairy Industry Value Chain
Additional Information.
Biosecurity, Agriculture Victoria: https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/biosecurity
Livestock and animals, Agriculture Victoria: https://www.vff.org.au/fact-sheet-category/farm-safety/
Farm safety, Victorian Farmers Federation: https://www.vff.org.au/fact-sheet-category/farm-safety/
Farm management, Agriculture Victoria: https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/farm-management
Climate and weather, Agriculture Victoria: https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/climate-and-weather
Animal health, welfare and biosecurity, Victorian Farmers Federation, StockSense: https://www.vff.org.au/project/stock-sense/
Report roaming livestock in Moyne Shire: https://www.moyne.vic.gov.au/Your-council/Customer-requests#:~:text=if%20your%20request%20is%20urgent,a%20public%20toilet%20that%20 needs If it is an emergency phone 1300 656 564.
Report roaming livestock or a dog attacking livestock to the Corrangamite Shire: https://www.corangamite.vic.gov.au/Property/Pets-Animals-Livestock/Livestock#section-2. If it is an emergency phone 03 5593 7100.
Report roaming livestock or a dog attacking livestock to the Glenelg Shire: https://www.glenelg.vic.gov.au/Our-Services/Animals-and-Local-Laws/Animals/Livestock . If it is an emergency phone 1300 453 635.
Report roaming livestock or a dog attacking livestock to the Southern Grampians Shire: https://www.sthgrampians.vic.gov.au/Our-Services/Pets-Animals/Wandering-Stock-Wildlife#:~:text=If%20the%20stock%20is%20wandering,In%20an%20emergency%20contact%20000. If it is an emergency phone 03 03 5551 0300.
Food and Fibre Great South Coast acknowledges that much of the material presented in this profile and the links are general in nature. If you have a specific question related to the Great South Coast please email info@foodfibregsc.com.au and we will provide a response either by return email or phone call.