Regional Drought Resilience Plan (RDRP)
Drought is a recurring feature in Australia and has been for thousands of years. The impacts of climate change are increasing the frequency and severity.
Development of the plan has encouraged a collaborative and coordinated approach to building community and business drought resilience. The plan includes a collectively agreed framework for building economic, environmental and social resilience.
Additional Information.
Biosecurity, Agriculture Victoria: https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/biosecurity
Livestock and animals, Agriculture Victoria: https://www.vff.org.au/fact-sheet-category/farm-safety/
Farm safety, Victorian Farmers Federation: https://www.vff.org.au/fact-sheet-category/farm-safety/
Farm management, Agriculture Victoria: https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/farm-management
Climate and weather, Agriculture Victoria: https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/climate-and-weather
Animal health, welfare and biosecurity, Victorian Farmers Federation, StockSense: https://www.vff.org.au/project/stock-sense/
Food and Fibre Great South Coast acknowledges that much of the material presented in this profile and the links are general in nature. If you have a specific question related to the Great South Coast please email info@foodfibregsc.com.au and we will provide a response either by return email or phone call.