Let's continue the conversation across the Great South Coast by connecting and collaborating. The Food and Fibre industry encompasses many supply chains, including inputs, farming, growing, harvesting, producing, post-farm gate, processing, accounting, transport, HR, marketing, sales, and so on. Let's support the Great South Coast by bringing the industry together.

Nicole Newman Nicole Newman

Schulz Organic

50 Years and Three generations  of schulz family working towards the most sustainable farm and most pure product possible.

Our philosophy is simple at Schulz Organic Dairy:
Happy cows produce delicious milk.

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Nicole Newman Nicole Newman

l’artisan cheese

With a 100% focus on social media until 2019, L’Artisan Cheese has stepped up the marketing budget for 2019. Just over half the product is sold through a distributor, with a small presence at farmers markets boosting sales.

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